Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Good Ol' Girls Club? Part II, Pat Trebesch

Lady kissed the hand of the Roman Catholic 'pope.'My last post was about how the Judiciary is a de facto "Good Old Boy's (and Girl's) Club."

Part and parcel with that metaphor is that judges within the Judiciary comprise a "priesthood" of sorts. (Which explains the robes.) As it pertains here, we're going to talk about judicial "blessings."

When it comes to admitting fault within, I argue the Judiciary is just like the Catholic Priesthood denying pedophilia. The little "gods" can do no wrong. But that post is for another time.

Now, when I was a kid, before I became a Christian, I was raised in a Catholic background. Maybe that was a good thing, since it made me cynical, questioning everything. (Even the Bible after I finally read it.) As a child, I always wondered why we had to kiss the (so-called) priest's hand when we received the sacrament from him. The arrogance and implications repulsed me then and still do now.

If you played the game and if you kissed the right body parts, you were rewarded in this life. (I'll not get any more graphic than that, but the color "brown" is the usual derogatory noun associated with people who play the game.) But you know the ambitious type who climb the ladder and become good altar boys and girls.

Not to mix metaphors, but I prefer Jesus's instructions for getting the best seat.

Judge Pat (Patrica) TrebeschNow, way back in September 2009 I told you about then Assistant Attorney General Patricia Trebesch, who drove all the way from Prescott to Phoenix to give a 3 minute speech on behalf of Judge Brutinel. (This was when he first applied to be Supreme Court Justice.) Aside from the impropriety of taking off work, (ab)using her prestige of office, etc., I suggested there might be a a quid pro quo in the works. That Judge Brutinel might remember that she kissed his hand then and reward her later. And that time would tell.

Well, guess what? It's now Judge Trebesch and she's now part of the Club!

To be fair, according to the minutes of the JNC, she did not give a speech the second time Judge Brutinel applied to be Justice. (She is not listed in the minutes.)

I'd be flattering myself if I thought she read my previous post and rethought her actions. But perhaps, to her credit, she did. Or maybe she simply couldn't get away the second time. Absent more data, we cannot know.

P.S. Does anyone know if Judge Trebesch is divorced? Just a hunch. Please leave me a comment. You can remain anonymous.

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