Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Memo to Chief Justice Berch

Hurray for the Arizona Senate Judiciary Committee. It's making some changes in the way judges are chosen. (Aside: While I would like to see the Committee involved in discipline, which is feedback, I applaud its effort at feed-forward.)

Anyway, as you can guess, Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice Rebecca White Berch (another one of those three-name women) opposes the changes. She was quoted saying, "The evidence shows that merit selection is working well. And common sense tells us that `if it isn't broken, don't fix it.'"

Memo to Becky: The system is broken. This blog proves it. (And you had your chance to fix it yourself.)

(As another aside, I remember Chief Judge Schroeder of the Ninth Circuit arguing similarly that all was well in the Ninth too when Congress moved to split the Circuit into two somewhat more manageable pieces. It's all about power.)

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